It is already July! I'm going to sit for a critical paper on Thu, a financial accounting paper and suddenly that tingling feeling inside of me telling me that it is going to be..soon! Aiyo.
I don't think I'm all prepared yet. Shoes belom beli. Baju belom ambik and belom fitting. Waaarghhhhh.. August is waving.. Adoh adoh adoh. Sit for the finals dolok can? *smacks head*
Life - a wonderful journey
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
He is coming.
At the airport atm, waiting for Addruse and his family to arrive. I really hope things will turn out to be even better. I have become an indecisive person, I need to put my foot down. Ya Allah, give me the strength.
Monday, January 9, 2012
A bit better.
After watching 3 idiots, reality starts to knock. People has been telling me to watch it. I watched it not during the best time but somehow, in a way, it made me realized.. The biggest mistake, wait.. Not a mistake. The biggest obstacle that I am having to reach the star. Talked to a person who understands, who feels the same way, made me feel a little bit lighter. Not entirely but it felt good. The hardest thing to do is to declare defeat.
I think I was too proud. Arrogant, maybe. Yea, maybe that. Killed the simple old me. I dislike the new me. I like my old self better. I will try to change, I promise. Ya Allah, please help me, show me the right path. Amin.
I think I was too proud. Arrogant, maybe. Yea, maybe that. Killed the simple old me. I dislike the new me. I like my old self better. I will try to change, I promise. Ya Allah, please help me, show me the right path. Amin.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Sick teddy.
I have a cough, a cold and tad fever. Tomorrow is my second paper. Oh dear oh dear. Gotta study nevertheless. Ngu.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Inferior.. Or lack of effort?
As a student, I will rant about my student life.
I sat for my law paper today and I don't know if it was tough or even easy. The spot questions I got was totally the same questions in the paper. Oh dear, should I pay more attention to all those rumors? I know now that I can't ignore them but that was not the problem. After the exams, I went to check my carry marks with the rest of my friends. So far, they are the ones who excel in class. I still want to be that person but somehow i can't. I have no idea where all my knowledge went. I don't know why but I kind of feel that I don't own the same brain anymore. Did I put too much pressure to it? Even if I do, its supposed to get all better no? Is it me or is it Shah Alam? Is it just me or is it actually that every single person has faced the same reality as a student? Was I too pampered? Or is it really the life in Shah Alam that makes me this way? So many questions have been playing in mind with no answers.
I sat for my law paper today and I don't know if it was tough or even easy. The spot questions I got was totally the same questions in the paper. Oh dear, should I pay more attention to all those rumors? I know now that I can't ignore them but that was not the problem. After the exams, I went to check my carry marks with the rest of my friends. So far, they are the ones who excel in class. I still want to be that person but somehow i can't. I have no idea where all my knowledge went. I don't know why but I kind of feel that I don't own the same brain anymore. Did I put too much pressure to it? Even if I do, its supposed to get all better no? Is it me or is it Shah Alam? Is it just me or is it actually that every single person has faced the same reality as a student? Was I too pampered? Or is it really the life in Shah Alam that makes me this way? So many questions have been playing in mind with no answers.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Its been four months since the start of the semester. Life has been hectic, I didn't play as much and I have no idea if I enjoyed life as much either. Things have been rough, I could not focus in studies. Dugaan nak oh. There are more downs than ups. This place, students are bright, geniuses and I am just one ordinary person who has been given the chance to be among them but it is hard as a jawbreaker. I'm grateful that I'm here but I am not like the rest of the babes, the motivation, the brains, the esteem, its not to anyone's expectation. I might be the best student previously but I am competing with the best students all over Malaysia and I can see that I am not even close to be called one anymore. Can you feel how inferior I feel?
Sometimes, I just could not take the pressure. Sometimes, I'd breakdown and cry. Sometimes, I ignore the facts that some people are better than me but most of the time, I will be under a shelter with no walls. Literally. What is this feeling? Inferiority, low self esteem, peer pressure, you name it. I would be nominated for all of those above. I even suffered from major migraine every now and then. Is God punishing me for my sins? Is God trying my faith? Ya Allah, whatever it is You are doing, please keep me strong. Give me the strength as a Muslimah, a solehah to go through all these. At times, maybe I have forgotten You but most of the time, You will be the One I will turn to. InsyaAllah.
Exams are just around the corner. Please lift up my burden off my shoulders. Allahumma yassir wala tu 'assir. Kau permudahkanlah urusanku, Ya Allah. Amin ya Rabbal Al-amin..
Sometimes, I just could not take the pressure. Sometimes, I'd breakdown and cry. Sometimes, I ignore the facts that some people are better than me but most of the time, I will be under a shelter with no walls. Literally. What is this feeling? Inferiority, low self esteem, peer pressure, you name it. I would be nominated for all of those above. I even suffered from major migraine every now and then. Is God punishing me for my sins? Is God trying my faith? Ya Allah, whatever it is You are doing, please keep me strong. Give me the strength as a Muslimah, a solehah to go through all these. At times, maybe I have forgotten You but most of the time, You will be the One I will turn to. InsyaAllah.
Exams are just around the corner. Please lift up my burden off my shoulders. Allahumma yassir wala tu 'assir. Kau permudahkanlah urusanku, Ya Allah. Amin ya Rabbal Al-amin..
Monday, May 23, 2011
A new experience at the audit firm.
I have been waiting for the longest time for this moment, my internship.
I have heard from many friends who had the experiences auditing and performing accounting duties; and other services by chartered accountants' firms.
How I long to work in one and carry on such duties.

Today, I got to do the auditing on my own.
The audit firm that I was attached to is Atarek Kamil Ibrahim & Co.
It is situated in Satok area, right above Lim Kim Soon (a little bit on the right hand side of LKS).
I was supposed to drive to the office but I doubt I could make it in time (830am) so, Addruse sent me off to the office.
Like any other new employees, I was told to fill a form while waiting for the manager in charge.
I was introduced to a wonderful lady who introduced herself as Azizi (apparently, she is Madam Azlin's sister) - a lecturer of mine in UiTMCS.
She introduced me to the whole office and one lady introduced herself as Kak Kertini or to be called as Kak TJ and the 1st few lines I heard was "we're going out at 9am, ok?"
I was "ehm, okie~" even though I was not so sure what she meant, either breakfast or work.
While strolling around the office, I saw few familiar faces who said hi and they were in the same department, audit. Oh, I forgot, I was sent off to the audit department to help the teams to audit some companies.
9am, I did not get to talk to Mr Wan Idris (who is the CEO) because we had to rush out to the client's office.
One guy asked me, "do you know anyone from iCats?" I said "no." and he said, "ok, you can come". I understand why he said that, an accountant has to be independent from any person, any relationship ties with the clients, to refrain us from being bias or having any unreliable opinions.
And so, that morning, I spent the whole morning photocopying all the documents needed, (yes, I am talking about the source documents) and also the accounts that PPKS has prepared for us.
Audit is indeed interesting to do but the thing is, it will take hours and hours to identify, to sample and to run tests on the figures and evidences.
Tiring but fun, but no pain no gain, or so we believe.
Noon, lunch at Jay Bee, or so it is called, had ayam percik which is really nice.
Would love to bring any friends there for lunch someday. =) Trust me, its good.
Then, right back to PPKS and continued with the auditing but sadly, there were power outage and we had to wait for the electricity to perform our tasks.
Waited for almost 2 hours and then the electricity was back on and ta da dumm~
Started with the auditing, mingle around with the documents and folders, and when I say folders, not just 4 or 5 but more than 20 folders to be checked on. Phew!
When the time was almost 5pm, Kak TJ would not want to get stuck in the jam so, we took our leaves.
Sent some documents for verification in the accounting department, which I will have to continue with the auditing process tomorrow. I need to prepare myself with candies and tit bits because it's going to be really quiet and busy tomorrow.
Wish me all the best and I know, I'll do the best for others, too. =)
Hope to enter another entry tomorrow!
In the meantime, enjoy your evening and good night! =)
Friday, June 18, 2010
We love you, we cherish you, we pray for you well-being in the hereafter. Amin.
I came across a blog which belongs to PBB Cawangan Senadin and I got my info.
I was quite amazed by the blog because you seldom see any of the PBB branches writing out blogs or even have an account.
And so, I scrolled down and I found an article, which in the end made my eyes teary.
Nothing touchy, just the memories left me in awe.
I never knew his total contribution to the family and to the country.
I would want to share the information with you and here goes..
(I copied from the page that I found earlier on)

Bekas Menteri Pelajaran, Tan Sri Dr Sulaiman Daud meninggal dunia di Hospital besar Kuala Lumpur pada jam 8.10 pagi tadi – Bernama
Tan Sri Dr Sulaiman Daud adalah Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia dari tahun 1981 – 1984 dan sekali lagi dilantik pada tahun 991-1995. Allahyarham dan Tan Sri Mohamed Khir Johari adalah Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia yang pernah dilantik sebanyak dua kali.
Biodata dan Jawatan yang pernah disandang:
#1984-1986 – Menteri Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sukan
#1986-1989 – Menteri Tanah dan Pembangunan Wilayah
#1986-1989 – Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri
#1990-1991 – Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna
#1995-1999 -Menteri Pertanian
# 2000-2005 - Pro-Chancellor, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).
# 2005 - Chancellor, The International Medical University (IMU).
Beliau mendapat pendidikan awal di Merpati Jepang School, Kuching, Sarawak dan Madrasatul Islamiah, Kuching, Sarawak.
Pada peringkat menengah beliau melanjutkan pelajaran di St. Joseph’s Kuching, Sarawak. (1955-1956) sehingga Tingkatan Enam.
Beliau meneruskan pengajian di Otago University Dunedin, New Zealand dari tahun 1958-1962 dengan Bachelor in Dental Surgery dan di University of Toronto, Canada pada tahun 1964-1965 untuk Diploma in Public Health & Comparative Political Studies.
Sebelum menyertai politik dan Parti Pesaka Bumiputra Bersatu Sarawak, pada tahun 1971 beliau pernah mengajar di Madrasah Melayu Kuching, Sarawak.
Beliau pernah bertugas sebagai doktor pergigian di Kuching, Miri, Limbang and Lawas dan Jabatan Kesihatan Brunei dari 1963 hingga 1972.
We all miss you, Nek Usu. I hope you and Nek Usu Imot are listed with the great ones, insyaAllah.
Sleeping disorder.
I can't sleep hence why I'm here, writing and trying to make myself sleepy even though, logically, it won't help one bit.
I have trouble sleeping for almost a week now and I woke up when the sun is already high up.
Not good for a lady to do so, but then again, it's the holidays and menses would also be a good reason for being lazy - tossing and turning around on my bed just to gather up the strength to walk downstairs and start my chores.
Well, lately, I'm really occupied with tasks regarding my brother's wedding.
I'm quite upset with how he's acting these days but I guess, it's just the pressure that THE day is just around the corner.
Fuh! At last, one of the siblings is settling down.
It's kind of hard to believe that my big brother has chosen to end his single life but hey, he's been waiting for this day since..forever. I'm really happy for him.
I'm leaving to KL on the 21st and I'm really trying to finish up the cards.
Typing out the guests' lists, filtering, printing, sticking it onto the card and envelopes.
Honestly, I had no idea it would be hard work.
It seems pretty easy when mom told me that she needs my help with the invitation.
As the only child who is really available, I lent her my hand.
What I really hope is, that one day, for my big day, I would not want to burden anyone with the guests' lists.
I'd probably should start doing it now but that would be exaggerating.
I have no idea when will the day be but it's fine, I can be rest assured that things are going to be just fine.
My babes are there, right? (right babes? I hope you'd say yes =P)
Oh wedding wedding! Babe Jude's wedding is coming soon, too! In November!
Can't wait to meet her next week so, I can hear her rant and vent about her work and her life.
Heeeee. And speaking of weddings, June..
When June came around, oh dear, there were lots and lots of wedding invitations and counting.
Tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday, the week after and I think it's going to be lesser since school starts next Monday.
Wedding bells are ringing here and there. Much love to share =)
Oh dear, I hear Adzan now. Maybe I should try to lay down on the bed and close my eyes.
I really need my forty winks or I'm not going to get enough rest.
I know I won't the next week.
Lots of plans.
Lots of shoppings to do.
Lots of FUN things to enjoy!
Will write more and want to read more from the babes.
xoxoxoxoxo. Nighty night!
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